Rezeptidee mit Käse, Käsesuppen Shot
#Maxx and go

Cheese soup shot

Aims straight for your taste buds: The cheese soup shot made with «Der scharfe Maxx». Popular at any party or as an amuse-bouche to kick off your menu.

  • Snacks
  • Main course


serves 8 Personen
100 g «Der scharfe Maxx» freshly grated
100 g «Der edle Maxx 365» freshly grated
40 g clarified butter
8 slices of two-day-old bread
1 meat stock
1 l full-fat cream
100 ml nutmeg, freshly ground salt and pepper
chives, finely chopped
1 bundle Schnittlauch, fein geschnitten


  1. Fry each slice of bread in the melted butter and set to one side.

    Add the onions to the remaining butter and fry until softened and translucent, before placing the slices of bread back in the pan and pouring over the stock.

    Add the cream, bring the mixture to the boil, then simmer gently for a few minutes on a low heat.

    Next, puree the mixture well using a hand blender and bring to the boil.

    Gradually add the grated cheese, stirring constantly.

    Season the soup and top with chives before serving in shot glasses or espresso cups.

    Every shot’s a direct hit. Cheers!

Cheese types used

Werbegrafik für den Käse «Der scharfe Maxx»
Käselaib Der scharfe Maxx
«Der scharfe Maxx»
Werbegrafik für den Käse «Der edle Maxx 365»
Käselaib Der edle Maxx 365, extrawürzig Schweizer Rohmilchkäse
«Der edle Maxx 365»
Food-Fotografie mit Käseplatte
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